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  • Karin Swift: Advocating Quietly, Leading Boldly

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    In the mosaic of accomplished alumni from Griffith University, Karin Swift (M Human Services ’99) emerges as a quiet force in the disability, advocacy, and social policy sectors. Since graduating from Griffith, she has woven an impactful career, leaving a positive imprint on the field of disability rights.

    Karin currently serves as the President of Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA), a human rights organisation focused on the concerns of women with disability. Her journey, however, extends beyond this role, involving various governance positions for non-government organisations. Recently elected to the Board of the Community Resource Unit, Karin contributes to fostering positive change for people with disability.

    A pivotal point in Karin's career was her representation of the Australian Government and WWDA at the Commission on the Status of Women 57 (CSW 57) at the United Nations in New York. There, she offered strategic advice on women with disability and violence, showcasing her expertise on the international stage. Karin's commitment to breaking barriers is evident in her leadership role at WWDA, where she has conducted training sessions in Indonesia and South Korea on gender and disability, contributing to the global conversation on eliminating violence.

    Karin has held influential positions at Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), providing strategic high-level advice and facilitating member engagement on various disability issues and social policies. Her contributions were vast, across many portfolios including human rights, gender issues, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Disability Royal Commission, housing, transport, welfare reform, and employment.

    A colour photo of Karin Swift, a middle age woman and wheelchair user. Karin has medium length auburn hair, red lipstick and wears a black top adorned with multicoloured spots of blue, white and green. Next to the photo of Karin, is a screen shot of the Citizen Researcher Essentials: Co-Design short course home page.

    This year, Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability at Griffith University proudly appointed Karin as an Industry Fellow, recognising her valuable experience in the field. In addition to this significant achievement, Karin has recently accomplished the ‘Citizen Researcher Essentials: A Short Course’ micro-credential.

    Operating as an independent contractor working mostly from home, Karin redefined her career path in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and her own health issues. This adjustment allows her to select projects that genuinely interest her and contribute to the disability space without feeling the pressure of the 9-5 grind.

    Karin's typical week now is as diverse as her career, reflecting her commitment to various initiatives. From contributing to university research on the lives of people with disability to participating in Disability Action Week events, Karin's schedule is a testament to her passion for fostering positive change. This fortnight, she is actively engaged in a website co-design group meeting, supporting residents of Level 3 Supported Accommodation facilities, attending peer leader meetings at QDN, contributing to a Queensland Government project, participating in QDN's LGBTIQA+ peer group, and chairing WWDA's AGM during this AGM season.

    In a world where change is often gradual, Karin Swift's story serves as a reminder that every small victory, every voice raised, contributes to a larger narrative of progress. As a proud graduate of Griffith University, Karin continues to inspire and lead, demonstrating that education is not just a means to an end but a catalyst for transformative change. Her flexible and purpose-driven approach to work serves as a positive example for others navigating the evolving landscape of the professional world and a reminder to employers of the benefits of an inclusive work culture and environment.

    Find out more about the Citizen Researcher Essentials Course by emailing: