Category Reimagining Disability   Show all

  • Inclusive Futures: Welcoming Dr. Lisa Stafford, ARC Future Fellow

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    A montage of three photos of Dr Lisa Stafford, a wheelchair user and middle age white woman with long blonde hair.Dr. Lisa Stafford, ARC Future Fellow

    Griffith University researchers have secured over $8.5 million in funding for eight out of 22 projects announced in the latest Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship round. With eight fellowships granted, totalling $8,587,849, Griffith achieved an 36.4% success rate—one of the highest in the country.

    Among these outstanding researchers, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Lisa Stafford to the Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability team. Dr. Stafford has been awarded $1,052,822 for her project, "Transport Equity for All".

    This project builds on Lisa’s existing body of work and aims to enhance how transport equity is understood, included, and applied in transport planning. Through a collaborative approach with people with disability and transport planners, the project will co-design a practice framework and tools to guide more inclusive decision-making. By co-creating this knowledge and developing practical methods, the project seeks to significantly advance transport equity for people with disability across Australia.

    About Dr. Lisa Stafford

    Lisa is passionate about inclusive sustainable communities and transport equity. With over 25 years of experience as a researcher, educator, and planner across government, non-government, and university sectors, Lisa continues to lead change at the intersection of disability participation, urban planning and transport. Her work also champions inclusive participatory and co-creation methods to ensure the ‘voices’ of all people, particularly children and people with complex communication needs are heard in research and public planning.

    Lisa has lead research, practice and strategic transformation in inclusive community planning and mobility/transport equity to improve social-economic participation of people with disabilities. Her recent work has included:

    Lisa brings valuable insights from her lived experience as a woman with disability. Lisa lives with multiple autoimmune diseases and uses a walking stick and power wheelchair for daily mobility. Additionally, her leadership experience across various boards and committees continues to be instrumental in advancing inclusive communities and cities, systems, transport, and disability rights for all Australians. Currently Lisa serves as an Australian Human Rights Commission Includeability Ambassador and recent appointment as Chair of Disability-Informed Ethical Oversight Panel for National Disability Data Asset. Lisa is also a member of the Transport Australia Society (TAs), Disability Leadership Institute, and the Planning Institute of Australia (MPIA).

    She will join us in 2025 to begin the next chapter of her important work on transport equity.

    A group of attendees and panellists at the Transport Conference 2024 including Dr Lisa Stafford, a wheelchair user who is seated front right. This image is courtesy of Justin Cooper Photography.Photo credit: Justin Cooper Photography, Transport Conference 2024.

    How Lisa’s project will benefit Australians

    Better ways of planning transport to ensure its fair and accessible for all Australians is a significant need.

    Transport is essential to everyday life yet remains one of the most reported forms of discrimination experienced by Australian with disabilities.

    Every Australian will have an experience of disability in their lifetime, and transport equity is a way of ensuring access needs are met for the most disadvantage to ensure same level of services as everyone.

    Problems persist due to little knowledge and practice know how, and gaps in existing national standards. Without fit-for-purpose knowledge to guide planners, applying equity in transport will remain makeshift.

    This research will work directly with Australian transport planners and people with disabilities to co-create new knowledge and practice tools, and will be freely available on public website, public information hubs, professional bodies magazines, and through free professional seminars. Applying the new knowledge will inform better planning of transport for everyone, removal of barriers to social-economic participation, and creating fairer access and increased opportunities to work, education, health, recreation, and family/friends critical to everyday life.

    An inclusive fit-for-purpose transport systems will reduce spending on expensive disability transport support for some due to improved access to public and active transport, as well as lowering emissions with mode shift and increase usage.

    Transport Equity for All – Project Summary
    Read more:

    More information

  • Disability Inclusion Author Talk Series: Dr Sarah Brooker

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    A Conversation with Dr Sarah Brooker - Neuroscientist, teacher and author of My Lucky Stroke.

    Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability invites you to attend our Author Talk with esteemed guest Dr Sarah Brooker (author of My Lucky Stroke), hosted by Dr Maretta Mann.

    In 2002 Sarah Brooker was only 20 years old and on the brink of realising her dreams. She had graduated from Monash University and was about to become a neuroscientist. Then, a series of catastrophic events – a stroke, a car accident, a coma – and she was robbed of that life forever.

    I woke up in her place. I was a broken body, with little memory of who I had been, and little understanding of the world I was in. I have spent the past 22 years trying to put my life back together. In that time, I have had to learn to walk, talk, and eat again. That was easy.

    I have completed several University degrees, including returning to Neuroscience to complete my PhD. That was easy too. What has been difficult has been learning and re-learning my place in the world, and what it means to live with an acquired brain injury.

    I have been a rehabilitation counsellor, a radio DJ, a student support officer and have finally found my place as a teacher. I am Dr Sarah Brooker and I have come along today to share the story of my recovery with you.

    Find out more about Dr Sarah Brooker and her book “My Lucky Stroke” here.


    Tuesday, 13 August 2024
    12 noon–1 pm AEST | 11.30 am–12.30 pm ACST

    This online event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. A meeting link will be shared with you upon registration.


    Please register your attendance before Thursday, 9 August here or via the QR code.



  • National Pain Week: Making our best guess of the world - how personal narratives help and hinder the chronic pain experience

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    The Hopkins Centre and Griffith Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability invite all members, subscribers, individuals with lived experience of pain, practitioners and anyone with an interest in chronic pain management to join us for this very special Hopkins Hour for National Pain Week, 2024.

    Originally created by Chronic Pain Australia, National Pain Week is Australia’s annual awareness event for chronic pain and aims to draw attention to the experience of people living with chronic pain. National Pain Week is a significant awareness campaign for many people who have experienced brain and spinal cord injury, who experience persistent pain, as well as those living with other disability. It’s equally important for pain researchers, clinicians, allied-health industry professionals and all others working in the field to comprehend the pain experience for our clients, collaborators and cohorts.

    This National Pain Week, The Hopkins Centre and Griffith Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability are inviting "painchangers', clinicians and pain researchers Dr Nicholas Aitcheson and Kim Talaber to host this Hopkins Hour, where they will share the latest research into the chronic pain experience, including strategies for management and the latest therapeutic models.

    Dr Nick Aitcheson is a rehabilitation and pain medicine specialist at Metro South Health Pain Rehabilitation Service. He has a particular interest in spinal injury rehabilitation, social prescribing, and the management of polypharmacy. Nick's current areas of research are pressure injuries in spinal cord injury, chronic chest pain, social education groups for social integration, and low dose naltrexone in the treatment of chronic pain.

    Kim Talaber, is a trained Physiotherapist and current PhD candidate with The Hopkins Centre and Griffith University. Her research investigates brain mechanisms to treat chronic neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury. Kim is completing her research with the Musculoskeletal Health & Persistent Pain Research Group, with support from a Seed Grant from The Hopkins Centre.

    During the session, Dr Aitcheson and Ms Talaber will be joined by special guest and Inclusive Futures Engagement Council member, Mark Berridge, to explore how individual experiences of pain can be influenced by personal perceptions and beliefs.

    Mark Berridge is an experienced business leader, TEDx speaker and multi-award-winning author. Mark’s extensive corporate expertise combined with the life changing lessons he gained overcoming a severe spinal injury provides a unique lens to inspire people and organisations to pursue their potential, undaunted by the uncertainty of their circumstances.

    We hope you can join us for this fascinating discussion.

    Head to our website to join this online event, live on Wednesday 24 July, 2024, at 12:30pm:

    Hopkins Hour flyer containing information about this event and the link to access:

  • Disability Reform Summit: Moving from recommendations to evidence-based solutions

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    The Disability Reform Summit was hosted by the Dignity Project and funded by an Engaging Science Grant from the Department of Environment and Science.

    The Summit brought together a diverse group of citizen scientists, Queensland disability researchers and academics, and key disability persons and advocacy organisations for a collaborative agenda-setting workshop.

    The workshop sought to co-create priorities for research based on the NDIS Review recommendations, Disability Royal Commission recommendations, and the Voice of Queenslanders with Disability report recommendations, while moving towards evidence-based solutions that will directly contribute to government and service responses.

    Twenty-one attendees worked collaboratively over a 4-hour workshop and identified key priorities, much of which was focused on improving disability data collection, better implementation of consistent disability flags across mainstream services, and increasing sustainable long-term partnerships and funding.

    Workshop attendees wanted to prioritise projects that focus on building evidence for knowledge and evidence gaps, although 50% of participants also wanted to examine existing interventions to evaluate and improve them.

    L-R: Dr Kelsey Chapman; Dr Talitha Kingsmill and Sharon White; and Nerine Williams.


    Health and Wellbeing:

    • Promoting health consumerism principles and access for all.
    • Shifting from reactive to pre-emptive health strategies.
    • Addressing disparities in health equity and access.
    • Campaigns like 'Hear Me, See Me, Understand Me' and involving lived experiences in decisions.
    • Potential research includes integrating health awareness into education and enhancing professional understanding of diverse needs.

    Employment and Financial Security:

    • Psychological safety and accommodations in the workplace.
    • Inclusive recruitment, onboarding, and raising employment expectations.
    • Examining current inclusive policies and staff training in unconscious bias.
    • Potential research includes building inclusive research teams and understanding confidence in disability-related conversations.

    Top: Panelists Prof. Elizabeth Kendall AM, Dr Talitha Kingsmill, Sharon White and Prof. David Trembath. Bottom: Dr Kelsey Chapman leads the summit workshop activities. Inclusive Education and Learning:

    • Need for inclusive school rules and evolving educational practices.
    • Redesigning assessment methods and promoting reasonable adjustments.
    • Potential research focuses on leadership attitudes and diverse perspectives in education, reassessing student success metrics.

    Inclusive and Accessible Communities:

    • Evaluating compliance vs. actual accessibility and inclusion.
    • Measuring community inclusion and the impact of co-design.
    • Opportunities like Brisbane 2032 for updating infrastructure and promoting universal accessibility.

    Disability Data:

    • Enhancing researcher capability and implementing consistent disability data flags.
    • Prioritising projects to build evidence and evaluate existing interventions.
    • Balancing academic interest with immediate social needs through co-design and sustainable partnerships.

    Top L-R: Sharon White and Prof. David Trembath; Julia Robertson.
    Bottom L-R: Dr Eloise Hummell and Nerine Williams; Geoff Trappett; Dr Maretta Mann.
    We extend our gratitude to the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science for their support of this research. Our deepest thanks also go to Dr. Kelsey Chapman, Lead Researcher, and the Griffith University's Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability team, including Rebekah Barker, Joe-Anne Kek-Pamenter, Dr. Maretta Mann, and Professor Elizabeth Kendall AM, for their invaluable assistance in organising this event. Additionally, we appreciate the continuous dedication and support of our Summit participants and the wider Dignity Project team.

    Special thanks to Eric Tram, our videographer, illustrators Holly Bryant & Cate Withers and the team at Griffith University Live Worm (Libbi Reed, Jacqui Hancox and Sharon Searle) for their engaging Sketch Notes that beautifully captured the topics and insights of the Summit.

    Top L-R: Prof David Trembath; Dr Kelsey Chapman; Dr Eloise Hummell.
    Bottom L-R: Summit Participants; Prof. Elizabeth Kendall AM.

    Top L-R: Dr Talitha Kingsmill and Karin Swift.
    Bottom: Dr Maretta Mann and Dr Kelsey Chapman lead discussion amongst their group.


    The Disability Reform Summit was funded by an Engaging Science Grant from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science and the Office of the Chief Scientist.

    Watch the Disability Reform Summit highlights on YouTube: (Videographer: Eric Tram).

    Join us in moving from recommendations to real change!

    More information: Dr Kelsey Chapman, Research Fellow and Citizen Science Manager


    For an accessible / alternate format of our sketch notes, please email

  • Inclusive Futures: Celebrating Cultural Wisdom and FASD Innovations with Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor

    Share Inclusive Futures: Celebrating Cultural Wisdom and FASD Innovations with Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor on Facebook Share Inclusive Futures: Celebrating Cultural Wisdom and FASD Innovations with Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor on Twitter Share Inclusive Futures: Celebrating Cultural Wisdom and FASD Innovations with Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor on Linkedin Email Inclusive Futures: Celebrating Cultural Wisdom and FASD Innovations with Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor link
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    Aunty Lauraine Barlow presents the FASD team with a very special painting 'ngabi wugu gabar' (many working arms). Pictured L-R: Prof. Dianne Shanley, Dr. Erinn Hawkins, Dr. Wei Liu, Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Dr. Leda Barnett and Prof. Elizabeth Kendall.

    This week, the Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability team welcomed Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Cultural Steward and Research Advisor to an afternoon tea in her honour, along with the amazing team of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) researchers, led by Professor Dianne Shanley.

    The team, including Prof. Elizabeth Kendal, Director of Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability, together with Prof. Dianne Shanley, Dr. Leda Barnett, Dr. Wei Liu and Dr. Erinn Hawkins had a lovely afternoon with Aunty Lauraine, who presented us with a very special painting that represents inclusive futures.

    The FASD team have been working on a groundbreaking, no barriers new healthcare model – The Yapatjarrathati Projects. Find out more here:

    Artist and Cultural Steward Aunty Lauraine Barlow


    Aunty Lauraine Barlow is a descendant of Mandingalpa Clan, Yidiny tribe and Rimanggudinhma Clan, Lama Lama tribe in North Queensland. Her Aboriginal name is Jana-n Mandingalbay / Jigiddirri Jigiddirri, which means “standout willy wagtail”. Recently, she was honoured with a third name, Buligud, which means Grandmother.

    Aunty Lauraine has experience of chronic illness and disability both personally and in her family members. She has always participated in research, but as more than a ‘subject’ of research. She is a community researcher who takes control of the way in which research is conducted so it remains respectful of her people and the land of her ancestors.

    She promotes the use of art as a medium for sharing healing stories. She is a healer herself, and has completed her qualifications as a Health Worker, a telephone counsellor, a community health promotion consultant and peer leader of self-management courses. She has helped hundreds of Indigenous women with illnesses and disabilities to regain their strength and culture.

    Aunty Lauraine has a long history with Griffith University, having first advised on a research project in 2003. Since that time, she has continued to support research projects and ensure that proper protocols are followed.

    Pictured L-R: Prof. Dr. Leda Barnett, Prof. Elizabeth Kendall, Aunty Lauraine Barlow, Dianne Shanley, Dr. Erinn Hawkins, and Dr. Wei Liu.


    ngabi wugu gabar (Many working arms)

    Pronounced ngaa-bee woo-goo kubb-a from Yidinji Language

    This painting represents the research at Griffith Inclusive Futures and was painted to celebrate the commitment of the program to improving the lives of First Nations (and all Australian) people with disability.

    The four handprints mean ownership by energetic, clever and confident individuals with leadership skills who are dedicated to advancing knowledge. They signify story telling, gathering of stories and keeping them safe.

    The Ocyopus has eight arms that symbolise movement and pathways of energy.

    Each Octopus arm works independently of each other but also together. All researchers are walking and journeying together on the one path.

    The circles each consist of seven women and men all sitting together to reach positive solutions. They are great communicators, laying down weapons and sharing work tools. The circles represent the completeness that is reached through collaboration and agreement.

    The footprints travel in an anti-clockwise direction which means a place for rethinking, re-working ideas, revisiting, and recycling solutions.

    The octopus is an intelligent being that shines in all forms of thoughts, ideas, and dreams. It denotes authority, self-confidence, inner-strength, inner wisdom, and social status.

    The Octopus is a positive thinker, sincere, understanding, and spiritual. It has three hearts (all 3 are used for swimming but only 2 used for walking) meaning the Octopus has great love for humanity and desire for peace.

    The red tracks with white corals and foam represent the impact the Octopus has as it swims and walks around in the ocean. It leaves a foamy trail, especially when swimming fast.

    The single red mark is a mermaid’s purse which represents deep waters. Deep waters that are not yet fully understood attract the attention of this inquisitive being.

    Professor Elizabeth Kendall (Director - Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability) and Aunty Lauraine Barlow (Cultural Steward and Research Advisor.


    Aunty Lauraine J. Barlow JP (Qual)
    Jana-n Mandingalbay / Jigiddirri Jigiddirri Bulugud

    Elder, Aboriginal Steward and Knowledge Bearer
    Cultural Weaver, Story and Cultural Space Feeler

    +61 0488 121 686 |

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  • Unlocking Inclusive Futures Through Diverse Voices

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    Unlocking Inclusive Futures through Diverse Voices

    Embrace the Power of Inclusivity

    In a world striving for progress, true innovation comes from hearing and embracing diversity in all its forms.

    We proudly present Inclusive Voices, a pioneering force driving forward inclusive thinking in community, in business and in government.

    Our vibrant community of over 500 people with lived experience of disability, supported by decades of cutting-edge disability research, makes us the premier destination for corporations and governments seeking transformative disability-centric change.

    Dr Vanesa Bochkezanian (CQU), Dwayne Fernandes, Dr Maretta Mann (Griffith University), and Timothy Lachlan address the audience at the Inclusivity In Play Pitch, 2022.Dr Vanesa Bochkezanian (CQU), Dwayne Fernandes, Dr Maretta Mann (Griffith University), and Timothy Lachlan address the audience at the Inclusivity In Play Pitch, 2022.

    Why Inclusive Voices?

    The Numbers Don't Lie

    With over 4 million Australians living with disability, representing 18% of our population, and even more people living with chronic disabling conditions, the potential for meaningful engagement and collaboration is vast.

    Yet, the knowledge of people with disability remains vastly untapped by industry, offering us huge possibilities for creativity, and unparalleled insights waiting to be unlocked.

    Our Unique Approach

    We bring together a dynamic alliance:

    People with Disability: Our thriving community of 500+ individuals, each with a unique journey and invaluable perspective on disability.

    Researchers, Designers, and Educators: Experts who understand the transformative power of collaboration and empathy.

    Industry and Government Bodies: Partners dedicated to fostering a more inclusive society through meaningful action.

    What We Offer

    Personalised Consultations: Gain invaluable insights through one-on-one sessions with people with lived experiences or immersive focus groups, where our community members offer first-hand perspectives and innovative solutions.

    Captivating Keynotes and Workshops: Let our Inclusive Voices speaking bureau inspire and educate with their compelling stories, experiences of using your products and services, shedding light on the true essence of disability and its implications for your organisation.

    Product and Service Enhancement and Testings: Collaborate with our experts to refine your offerings, ensuring they meet the diverse needs of all individuals and drive meaningful impact.

    Research Collaborations: Dive into, or commission, ground-breaking studies conducted by our researchers, bridging theory and practice to shape a more inclusive future for all.

    A montage of images from the Inclusivity in Play Pitch, 2022 featuring diverse people and speakers with disability.Inclusivity in Play Pitch, 2022 Top L to R: Kathleen O'Kelly-Kennedy and Dr Kerry Hall; Dwayne Fernandes an Sara Shams
    Bottom L to R: Timothy Lachlan; Timothy Lachlan, Dr Maretta Mann, Dwayne Fernandes and Dr Vanesa Bochkezanian.

    Why Choose Inclusive Voices?

    Unprecedented Access: We've streamlined the process, providing seamless access to our vibrant and unique community.

    A Fresh Perspective: Shift your paradigm and see disability not as a limitation, but as a source of boundless creativity and resilience, inspiring innovative solutions.

    Transformative Impact: By embracing inclusivity, you'll not only meet compliance standards but also unlock new avenues for innovation and growth, benefiting all of society.

    A montage of images of Inclusive Futures events: From Left to Right - Madi de Rozario OAM and Daniel Clarke OAM; Julia Robertson, Matt Levy OAM and Mark Berridge at the Inclusive Futures Book Club Author Talk; Inclusivity in Play Pitch; Geoff Trappett; Geoff Trappett and Karin Swift at the Disability Reform Summit 2024.A montage of images of Inclusive Futures events: From Left to Right - Madi de Rozario OAM and Daniel Clarke OAM at the Inclusivity In Play Pitch; Julia Robertson, Matt Levy OAM and Mark Berridge at the Inclusive Futures Book Club Author Talk; Audience at the Inclusivity in Play Pitch; Geoff Trappett; Geoff Trappett and Karin Swift at the Disability Reform Summit 2024.

    Join Us

    As the leading force in Australian disability research, Griffith University is committed to and backs Inclusive Voices.

    Visit Griffith Inclusive Futures to learn more about ground-breaking disability research. Join us on a journey where inclusion isn't just a buzzword—it's a way of life.

    Together, let's build a future where everyone thrives by harnessing the power of each person’s unique abilities.

    Unlock Inclusive Futures. Transform Lives.

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    Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability



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  • Bounce Forward: Strategies for Cultivating Resilience

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    On Wednesday, 29 November Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability, together with hosted Janine Shepherd AM, Australian Author, Keynote Speaker and Resiliency Coach to present the ‘Bounce Forward: Strategies for Cultivating Resilience’ seminar at Griffith University, Nathan Campus.

    In this inspiring and educational keynote, Janine Shepherd shared her personal story about tragedy and resilience, as well as insights form her study of neuroscience, neuroplasticity and positive psychology. Her message of hope reaffirms that people can recover, learn and grow after seemingly insurmountable setbacks.

    Janine is an internationally renowned speaker and former champion skier whose TED talk, “A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person”, has over 1.7 million views. After a bike accident ended her skiing career, Shepherd faced a daunting recovery and an uncertain future. She went on to become a commercial pilot and aerobatics flight instructor, earn a university degree and author six best-selling books. She is currently undertaking a PhD in resilience and disability at Griffith University.

    If you missed out on attending this fantastic session, you can watch the recording on our YouTube channel:

    Visit Janine’s website:

    Find out more about

    FURTHER READING: Disability Action Week. Access Ignites: It’s Good Business

  • International Day of People with Disability 2023 – Matt Levy: From Premature Birth to Paralympic Gold

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    International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations observed day held on 3 December each year. The IDPwD program aligns with Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31 and aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.

    The United Nations Theme for IDPwD 2023 is ‘United in action to rescue and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for, with and by persons with disabilities.’ This year, we introduce IDPwD Ambassador, Matt Levy OAM, Patron of the Matt Levy Inclusive Futures Scholarship at Griffith University.

    A colour photo of Paralympic swimming champion Matt Levy OAM PLY. Matt is a young man who has cerebral palsy and visual impairment. He stands smiling for the camera and wears a blue collared long sleeve jumper. He has brown wavy hair in a short style and stands with his arms crossed.

    In 1987, Matt Levy was born prematurely at 25 weeks. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and severe visual impairment and has undergone 40-50 surgeries on various vital organs. Matt's determination and resilience led him to a career in swimming, where he proudly clinched gold for Australia at the Paralympic Games.

    Representing his nation at five consecutive Paralympic Games, Matt has won 3 gold, 1 silver, and 5 bronze medals. His dominance extends further, having graced the pools at five World Swimming Championships, securing an 20 international medals and holding 4 World Records.

    Matt’s contributions to sport were honoured with an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in 2014 for ‘service to sport as a Gold Medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. In 2015 Matt was named Athlete of the Year with a Disability at the New South Wales Sports Awards and in 2018 he was named Swimming Australia’s Paralympic Program Swimmer of the Year. In November 2021, he received a New South Wales Institute of Sport Academic Excellence Award and was named the 2021 Sport NSW Athlete of the Year with a Disability.

    Yet, Matt's achievements aren't confined to the pool. He has earnt a degree in Business Management, an Australian Institute of Company Directors qualification, and an MBA in Leadership. He is a passionate inclusion advocate, motivational speaker and holds multiple board, advisory and ambassadorial roles with sporting, community and humanitarian organisations including Ability Options, Life Little Treasures and BlindSports Australia.

    Since retiring from the pool, Matt has authored 3 books, including: ‘Keeping your head above water’ (2020), ‘Brandon Dreams Big: 7 easy steps to get where you want’ (2021), and ‘Going the distance: Identify and create your own lane to success’ (2023).

    More recently, Matt has turned his hand to philanthropy and supporting young people with disability to achieve their own dreams and goals through education.

    “Education has allowed me to grow and enhance what I've been able to learn and, how I can use my lived experience of disability to influence others. As part of this, it was also my mission to help other people with disability to obtain a university education.”

    To Matt, International Day of People Disability (IDPwD) is “about having a sense of responsibility and belonging. A chance to give people an insight into what we go through on a daily basis. Not to feel bitter, but to help raise awareness of what can be done. I know how hard it is for someone living with a disability, so I wanted to give people opportunities that I was given”.

    As a result, Matt established the Matt Levy Inclusive Futures Scholarship to support students with disability to achieve their potential at Griffith University. Open to Australian, domestic commencing students (full time or part time) enrolled in an undergraduate program, the scholarship provides up to $20,000, payable over the duration of the degree.

    This year the Matt Levy Scholarship supported two (2) commencing students with disability; including Lilje Schluter, who is studying a Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

    "Being a recipient of this scholarship has allowed me to afford regular access to psychology and psychiatry sessions. Not only has this greatly aided me in learning and adjusting to my first year of tertiary studies, but the support of the scholarship continues to help me move forward each and every day, which is an invaluable gift".

    Matt Levy's life stands as a testament to determination, inspiring individuals worldwide to overcome adversity and achieve goals. On Tuesday, 27 February 2024, Matt will be the guest speaker at our Inclusive Futures Book Club – Author Talk event, where he will share his story, and discuss his latest book ‘Going the Distance’ with students and guests during O-Week (Nathan Campus). If you are interested in attending, please email us at

    You can also sign up for our newsletter, or keep an eye on our website for announcements.

    Find out more about our Inclusive Futures Book club:

  • Specialist Disability Accommodation: Brisbane Conference

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    A colourful montage of photos taken at the Specialist Disability Accommodation conference. Photos from left to right: 1: Panelists address the audience, there is a screen behind the keynote speaker showing live captioning and a PowerPoint presentation. 2. An over the shoulder photo of the conference. 3. Guests mingle post event on the Webb Centre balcony.

    It was great to bring together 70 passionate people on 3 November at Griffith University Southbank Campus in Brisbane, to chat all things Specialist Disability Accommodation.

    With speakers and audience members joining us from interstate we welcomed open discussions around some of the hot topics facing the sector at present.

    The event was proudly supported by (Griffith University – Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability, Just SDA, Just Advisory Services, H’a’fele Australia and Archr Design) and covered important topics such as:

    How to build your own SDA

    • Accessing Appendix H
    • Updates and trends across the sector
    • Best practice design approaches for SDA
    • A personal journey through the NDIS

    A colour photo of Coral Gillet, from Griffith University wearing a technological headset and brightly coloured dress talking to another conference guest on the balcony post event.

    A great day was had by all, with post event celebrations hosted on the wonderful deck at the Southbank campus for some networking, canape’s and drinks.

    Everyone is ready for the next event in March 2024 (Brisbane) and May 2024 (Melbourne).

    More information, please email Justin MacDonald, Just Advisory Services on:

    Visit the Inclusive Futures Hub to see the impactful work we are doing around Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion:

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  • Change 2023 Conference: Nothing About Us Without Us

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    A colour photo of the Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability "Nothing About Us Without Us" Panellists. From left to right: Kevin Cocks (seated in power chair), standing at back Jim Hogan, Kelsey Chapman, Sharon Rundle-Thiele, seated at front Prof. Elizabeth Kendall and Brad Kinsela (seated in his manual wheelchair).


    Empower, Enable, Enact

    The Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability (IFRD) team had the pleasure to lead a session at Change 2023 last Friday, 20 October at Griffith University, Southbank Campus.

    Change 2023 is an annual 2-day conference in Brisbane, Queensland hosted by Social Marketing @ Griffith, especially for practitioners, professionals, researchers and experts with an interest in making change happen.

    In our session - Nothing About Us Without Us – Kelsey Chapman (IFRD Engagement Manager and PhD Candidate) lead a Q&A panel discussion with Professor Elizabeth Kendall (Director), Kevin Cocks, Brad Kinsela and Jim Hogan.

    In this impactful discussion, they candidly shared their experiences as disability advocates and outlined challenges they have experienced in their decades of fighting for inclusion.

    To find out more about Inclusive Futures and the research we do, visit our website: