Meld Studios - Co-Design Recruitment

CLOSED: This recruitment has concluded.

Meld Studios is working with the Queensland Government to develop a digital inclusion website. The website will provide Queenslanders a single place to go to find information and resources to support them to get online and use technology. The website is also for organisations, carers and family who support others to get online.

We would like to invite people whose voices are typically underrepresented in Queensland to help co-design the website. We want to hear from people who might find it difficult to get online or not find it easy to use websites and technology.

We’re looking to speak to people who:

- Live in Queensland

- Are between 18 and 85+ years old

- Identify with having a disability

- Identify as a First Nations person

- Have a carer or support worker

- Speak a language other than English at home

- Are recent migrants

- Live in remote or rural areas

- Have or are experiencing housing insecurity

- Have or are experiencing job insecurity

Participants will be guided through a 2 hour co-design session by our facilitators. They’ll be asked to share their thoughts on the design and usability of the website based on their experiences and provide ideas on how we can make it better. No preparation or previous experience is required to take part.

Would you like to apply to take part? Sessions will be running throughout February and March 2024 and all participants will be paid for their time.

We welcome people to register their interest (along with support workers or family who may wish to apply with you) by emailing or calling Alice Chatwood on or 0410 462 263.

For organisations: If you have any queries regarding the project contact the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group by emailing

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