Participant Research Opportunities

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Explore exciting research opportunities with Inclusive Futures Partners!

We're researching new ways to help people with disabilities.

Getting involved in our projects helps find solutions for people with disabilities.

You can help with new research on disability and rehabilitation!

Our partners at Inclusive Futures are always looking for people from all walks of life.

There are lots of chances all year round, so be sure to join our mailing list to find out what else might be open for you.

Explore exciting research opportunities with Inclusive Futures Partners!

We're researching new ways to help people with disabilities.

Getting involved in our projects helps find solutions for people with disabilities.

You can help with new research on disability and rehabilitation!

Our partners at Inclusive Futures are always looking for people from all walks of life.

There are lots of chances all year round, so be sure to join our mailing list to find out what else might be open for you.

  • Help co-design a new national service to publish HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites.

    Share Help co-design a new national service to publish HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites. on Facebook Share Help co-design a new national service to publish HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites. on Twitter Share Help co-design a new national service to publish HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites. on Linkedin Email Help co-design a new national service to publish HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites. link

    About the Event

    Time: 12 pm to 1.50 pm AEDT

    Type: Workshop

    Location: Online

    Run by: ARDC

    Cost: Free

    The ARDC Community Data Lab (CDL) provides tools, datasets, analysis environments and collaboration options for humanities, arts, social sciences, and Indigenous research in Australia. As CDL enters its second phase, it will focus on co-designing 5 new capabilities to support research and research translation.

    The ARDC invites you to a workshop to co-design one of these capabilities: A national service to publish enduring HASS and Indigenous data collections as websites via a sustainable model that aligns with the FAIR Principles.

    The goal of the co-design workshop is to evaluate this co-investment opportunity to help develop a solution that supports new and expanded research.

    Value of Capability to HASS and Indigenous Research

    A common requirement for HASS and Indigenous research is the ability to make digital cultural collections available online. Bespoke solutions are frequently short-lived due to maintenance demands. This makes it challenging for researchers to process, publish and maintain enduring collections of research consistent with FAIR principles. A national service will enable researchers to publish websites with their research archives and collections.

    What to Expect During the Workshop

    Workshop participants are invited to actively engage in discussions. During the workshop, participants will be introduced to the problem to be addressed, along with the capability that we are proposing to develop as a solution to this problem for HASS and Indigenous research.

    The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. Participants will join breakout rooms and respond to questions using a Miro board. Our goal is to gather feedback on the value of the proposed solution and to assess whether we’re addressing the problem in the most effective way.

    The proposed solution has been developed by ARDC in partnership with Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney.

    After the workshop we will publish a report that captures the input that we have received. Your insights will help us refine our approach, ensuring that we are on the right track.

    If you have difficulty accessing Zoom or Miro please let us know ahead of the workshop and we will provide alternative methods for you to provide your feedback.

    Learn more about the ARDC Community Data Lab and the co-design process for phase 2 by watching the recording of our recent webinar, or viewing the slides.

    Who will be speaking?

    • Ellen Lyrtzis, Skills Development Lead (NCRIS), ARDC
    • Michael Lynch, Research Engineer Group Lead, Sydney Informatics Hub, The University of Sydney

    Who should attend?

    • HASS researchers who need to create a website to publish their data and document their workflows and/or tools (e.g. as an output of a project)
    • Researchers who are interested in discovering data, tools and guides that may support their HASS and Indigenous research workflows
    • People who support researchers in their use of digital research infrastructure (including research infrastructure providers and digital skills trainers)

    What participants will gain from the session?

    • Contribute your use cases and experience about the capability
    • Discuss the capability and the challenges it addresses with your peers
    • Help shape how the capability will be delivered for HASS & I researchers

    Have questions?


    Please note that this event may be recorded and published by the ARDC. This may include your contributions during the session. ARDC respects the privacy of individuals. Information collected is in accordance with the ARDC Privacy Policy.

  • Help improve eye care for Autistic people in Australia and New Zealand

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    Are you an Autistic adult OR a parent of an Autistic person (any age)? Do you live in Australia OR New Zealand? Participate in a new research study to improve eye care services for the Autistic community.

    What will you do? Complete an online survey (20-30 minutes).

    Your participation will help develop autism-friendly eye care practices.

    If you would like to find out more or participate in the project, please contact Dr. Chris Edwards or complete the survey

  • Autism and Airport Experiences

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    CLOSED: This recruitment has concluded.


    With the support of Aspect Autism Friendly, Sydney and Gold Coast Airports have introduced several initiatives aimed at making travel more accessible and enjoyable for Autistic individuals and their families. These can be found below:

    The Aspect Research Centre for Autism Practice (ARCAP) is conducting research to better understand and improve the travel experiences of Autistic individuals and their families through direct feedback and insights.

    Our goal is to enhance the airport experience for Autistic travellers and their companions. We believe that by understanding the current travel experiences of Autistic individuals, we can identify effective practices and areas needing improvement.

    What are the travel experiences of Autistic individuals? How can we make airports a more welcoming space for everyone?

    Take part

    We are looking for Autistic adults, as well as parents or caregivers travelling with their Autistic child (of any age), who will be departing from Sydney or Gold Coast Airport from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024.

    What's involved?

    1. Before Your Trip: Complete an expression of interest form (approximately 5-10 minutes) to share some initial information.
    2. After Your Trip: Share your travel experience through an interview tailored to your communication preferences (e.g., Microsoft Teams, phone, text), lasting approximately 20-30 minutes.

    Complete the expression of interest form

    Making a difference

    The insights gained from this research are intended to inform practical improvements in airport environments, not only at Sydney and Gold Coast Airports but potentially at other airports as well. Working alongside Aspect Autism Friendly, we aim to use these findings to make subtle yet impactful changes to how airports cater to Autistic individuals and their families. This effort is about understanding specific needs and addressing them in ways that can make a real difference in the travel experience. By doing so, we hope to contribute to a broader movement towards more inclusive and accessible travel for everyone.

    Research team

    Dr Chris Edwards, Aspect Research Centre for Autism Practice (ARCAP)

    Dr Abbey Love, ARCAP

    Dr Ru Ying Cai, ARCAP

    Dr Vicki Gibbs, ARCAP

    The ethical components of this research have been approved by Griffith University (GU ref no: 2023/860)

  • Are you a parent of a child with disability?

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    CLOSED: This recruitment has concluded.

    We want to hear about your child’s educational experiences.

    Participate in this research being conducted by Monash University along with other universities around the globe from the UK, Italy, Norway, India, Canada and many other countries.

    Participation involves completing a brief online survey. For more information or to take part, please visit:

    Or via the QR code.

    For more information please contact:

    A/Professor Stuart Woodcock

    School of Education and Professional Studies

    Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.


    Google scholar:

    #ParentVoices #InclusiveFutures #ReimaginingDisability #StudentsWithDisability #InclusiveEducation

  • Workers with disability in tourism and hospitality

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    CLOSED: This recruitment has concluded.


    • Do you work in Australian tourism or hospitality companies?
    • Do you feel thrive at work sometimes? If not, how can we help to empower you to thrive at work?

    Emily Lu from Griffith University is doing her PhD research on empowering workers with disability to thrive in the tourism and hospitality sector.

    She is inviting workers with disability or/and neurodiversity to join her research!

    There are no risks anticipated for this research.

    Emily will be sharing a summary of the overall results of the research with participants in the project.

    What to expect:

    • Dedicate approximately four hours in total, with the duration of one hour for each Zoom meeting.
    • First, attend a group introduction meeting to discuss the research and sign informed consent.
    • Second, take or collect photographs or objects representing your meaning of thriving at work.
    • Third, provide photographs or objects to the researcher.
    • Last, participate in one to two group/individual discussions to share your photos or objects.

    What’s in there for you:

    • All participates will receive a $100 gift voucher per person at the conclusion stage.
    • VIP access to the exhibition which advocates for and creates awareness of the abilities and strengths of workers with disability.
    • Opportunity to provide inputs on an industry report about empowering workers with
    • disability to thrive in the tourism and hospitality sector, and the research team will
    • distribute to policy makers and industry practitioners to initiate opportunities for positive change.

    If you meet the criteria and are interested in participating in the study, please email

    Please feel free to email Emily Lu (the same email address) for any questions

    The research project is in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, with the ethics approval number 2023/573. Research participants’ shared information will remain completely confidential and anonymous.

    Social media links:



    Emily Lu LinkedIn

  • Meld Studios - Co-Design Recruitment

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    CLOSED: This recruitment has concluded.

    Meld Studios is working with the Queensland Government to develop a digital inclusion website. The website will provide Queenslanders a single place to go to find information and resources to support them to get online and use technology. The website is also for organisations, carers and family who support others to get online.

    We would like to invite people whose voices are typically underrepresented in Queensland to help co-design the website. We want to hear from people who might find it difficult to get online or not find it easy to use websites and technology.

    We’re looking to speak to people who:

    - Live in Queensland

    - Are between 18 and 85+ years old

    - Identify with having a disability

    - Identify as a First Nations person

    - Have a carer or support worker

    - Speak a language other than English at home

    - Are recent migrants

    - Live in remote or rural areas

    - Have or are experiencing housing insecurity

    - Have or are experiencing job insecurity

    Participants will be guided through a 2 hour co-design session by our facilitators. They’ll be asked to share their thoughts on the design and usability of the website based on their experiences and provide ideas on how we can make it better. No preparation or previous experience is required to take part.

    Would you like to apply to take part? Sessions will be running throughout February and March 2024 and all participants will be paid for their time.

    We welcome people to register their interest (along with support workers or family who may wish to apply with you) by emailing or calling Alice Chatwood on or 0410 462 263.

    For organisations: If you have any queries regarding the project contact the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group by emailing

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 12:10 PM