People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024
Share People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 on FacebookShare People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 on TwitterShare People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 on LinkedinEmail People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 link
This survey is for people with disability. It will let Griffith University, the Queensland Government, and Queenslanders with Disability Network know how people with disability are doing across the 7 areas of Queensland's Disability Plan 2022-2027: Together, a better Queensland.
Those 7 areas include:
The survey and the report that it will inform will bring together information across multiple areas, building on the report completed in 2023, to enable governments, businesses, non-profit organisations and communities to know what is working well and what needs to be improved.
When is the survey open? The survey will be open from the Wednesday, 24th January to Monday, 11th March 2024.
Who can do the survey? The survey is for people with disability, their family members and support network, disability service providers and peak disability organisations. There is a separate survey for each of those groups, so please double check the survey title before your being. It is only open to people living in Queensland.
Will this be accessible? You can complete the survey in lots of different ways, including in writing or by talking (signing/communicating) with someone one-on one.
Who is conducting this survey? The survey is being run by Griffith University and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) including citizen researchers with disability. It is funded by the Queensland Government.
Scroll down to complete the "People with Disability Survey".
Your information stays private! GU HREC approval: 2022/909
This survey is for people with disability. It will let Griffith University, the Queensland Government, and Queenslanders with Disability Network know how people with disability are doing across the 7 areas of Queensland's Disability Plan 2022-2027: Together, a better Queensland.
Those 7 areas include:
The survey and the report that it will inform will bring together information across multiple areas, building on the report completed in 2023, to enable governments, businesses, non-profit organisations and communities to know what is working well and what needs to be improved.
When is the survey open? The survey will be open from the Wednesday, 24th January to Monday, 11th March 2024.
Who can do the survey? The survey is for people with disability, their family members and support network, disability service providers and peak disability organisations. There is a separate survey for each of those groups, so please double check the survey title before your being. It is only open to people living in Queensland.
Will this be accessible? You can complete the survey in lots of different ways, including in writing or by talking (signing/communicating) with someone one-on one.
Who is conducting this survey? The survey is being run by Griffith University and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) including citizen researchers with disability. It is funded by the Queensland Government.
Scroll down to complete the "People with Disability Survey".
Your information stays private! GU HREC approval: 2022/909
Thank you for sharing your stories with us. The survey is now closed and we are working on a report. If you have any questions please email
It will take between15 to 30 minutes to complete this survey. You can share as much or as little as you want.
There might be other ways to share your story that work better for you. You can
Email us a word document, audio, or video response. Download a copy of the paper survey.
Talk or sign your answers to one of our team members on the phone, in person, or in a virtual meeting (Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
Let us know if there is another way that works better for you by emailing us (
You will be sent a copy of your responses at the end of the survey.
Personal information collected as part of this survey is collected in the case that we need to contact participants to follow up on their responses. Any information participants provide will be kept confidential and will not be passed onto a third party.
Share Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024: People with Disability Survey on FacebookShare Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024: People with Disability Survey on TwitterShare Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024: People with Disability Survey on LinkedinEmail Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024: People with Disability Survey link
It will take about 15 minutes to complete this survey. You can share as much or as little as you want.
There might be other ways to share your story that work better for you. You can
Email us a word document, audio, or video response. Download a copy of the paper survey.
Talk or sign your answers to one of our team members on the phone, in person, or in a virtual meeting (Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
Let us know if there is another way that works better for you by emailing us (
You will be sent a copy of your responses at the end of the survey.
Personal information collected as part of this survey is collected in the case that we need to contact participants to follow up on their responses. Any information participants provide will be kept confidential and will not be passed onto a third party.
Share Voice of Queenslanders with Disability: People with Disability on FacebookShare Voice of Queenslanders with Disability: People with Disability on TwitterShare Voice of Queenslanders with Disability: People with Disability on LinkedinEmail Voice of Queenslanders with Disability: People with Disability link
It will take about 15 minutes to complete this survey. You can share as much or as little as you want.
There might be other ways to share your story that work better for you. You can
Email us a word document, audio, or video response. Download a copy of the paper survey under "Project Information"
Talk or sign your answers to one of our team members on the phone, in person, or in a virtual meeting (Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
Let us know if there is another way that works better for you by emailing us (
You will be sent a copy of your responses at the end of the survey.
Personal information collected as part of this survey is collected in the case that we need to contact participants to follow up on their responses. Any information participants provide will be kept confidential and will not be passed onto a third party.
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Page last updated: 25 Feb 2025, 11:23 AM
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2023 Voice of Queenslanders with Disability Report
People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 has finished this stage
The 2023 Voice of Queenslanders with Disability survey was completed by 441 people and a full report was published by Griffith University and Queenslanders with Disability Network in June 2023. You can read the full report for 2023, including an option for an accessible version.
2024 Voice of Queenslanders with Disability Survey
People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 has finished this stage
The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability Survey is open from January 24, 2024 until March 11, 2024.
Under Review
People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 has finished this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
People with Disability Survey: The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability 2024 is currently at this stage