QDRN Objectives

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The Queensland Disability Research Network (QDRN) is dedicated to advancing disability research across the state by achieving key objectives that foster collaboration, raise awareness, and build research capacity.

1. Build a Queensland Disability Research Network

Unite Queensland disability researchers to foster cross-sectoral collaboration in disability research, while establishing governance structures and guiding operating principles to support the Network’s growth and long-term impact.

2. Raise Awareness

Raise awareness in Queensland university research offices, disability peak organisations, government and industry partners to promote and advocate Queensland's disability research expertise.

3. Develop Research Capacity

Strengthen disability research capacity in Queensland by ensuring inclusive with quality co-design at every stage of the research process.

4. Queensland Disability Research Agenda

Develop a Queensland-specific disability research agenda aligned with the seven outcome areas of Australia’s Disability Strategy and Queensland’s Disability Plan. The QDRN will focus on Queensland’s unique geographical considerations, build an evidence base to inform policy and practice, and seek to contribute a Queensland Collection to the APO Disability Collection.

5. Research Funding

Collaborate and undertake large, cross-institutional research grant submissions, while securing contracts with government and industry partners for specialist disability research and reporting. Establish agreed mechanisms for joint submissions and funding between Queensland universities and research partners.

6. Link with the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) & Represent Queensland Disability Community Research Priorities

Build sustainable, effective partnerships with the disability community, industry partners, and government, ensuring these partnerships value and embed the lived experiences of people with disability at the core of all research. The QDRN will strengthen these efforts by aligning with the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) agenda, Australia’s Disability Strategy, and Queensland’s Disability Plan.

The Queensland Disability Research Network (QDRN) is dedicated to advancing disability research across the state by achieving key objectives that foster collaboration, raise awareness, and build research capacity.

1. Build a Queensland Disability Research Network

Unite Queensland disability researchers to foster cross-sectoral collaboration in disability research, while establishing governance structures and guiding operating principles to support the Network’s growth and long-term impact.

2. Raise Awareness

Raise awareness in Queensland university research offices, disability peak organisations, government and industry partners to promote and advocate Queensland's disability research expertise.

3. Develop Research Capacity

Strengthen disability research capacity in Queensland by ensuring inclusive with quality co-design at every stage of the research process.

4. Queensland Disability Research Agenda

Develop a Queensland-specific disability research agenda aligned with the seven outcome areas of Australia’s Disability Strategy and Queensland’s Disability Plan. The QDRN will focus on Queensland’s unique geographical considerations, build an evidence base to inform policy and practice, and seek to contribute a Queensland Collection to the APO Disability Collection.

5. Research Funding

Collaborate and undertake large, cross-institutional research grant submissions, while securing contracts with government and industry partners for specialist disability research and reporting. Establish agreed mechanisms for joint submissions and funding between Queensland universities and research partners.

6. Link with the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) & Represent Queensland Disability Community Research Priorities

Build sustainable, effective partnerships with the disability community, industry partners, and government, ensuring these partnerships value and embed the lived experiences of people with disability at the core of all research. The QDRN will strengthen these efforts by aligning with the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) agenda, Australia’s Disability Strategy, and Queensland’s Disability Plan.

Page published: 24 Feb 2025, 03:09 PM